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Wizarding Wednesdays

School Trips to bewitch their minds with magical lessons at
The Steel Cauldron

Enchanting Lessons for School Trips

We are excited to bring you school trips with a difference. This is perfect for Key Stage 2 classes with focuses on Creative Writing, Natural Sciences and much more!

We offer a variety of different events to book, including live owl displays, reptile encounters, magic shows and craft experiences.

There is also the opportunity to book food and drink to fuel the eager pupils.

Available lessons to book include:

Live Owl Displays with Prof. Alba and The Flying Squadron

- Embark on a fascinating educational journey with Professor Alba as she unveils the secrets of owls, nature's remarkable predators. Our interactive session delves into the evolution and unique adaptations of these captivating birds. Students will not only meet an array of owl species from both local habitats and global environments but also witness these majestic creatures in awe-inspiring flight demonstrations. This engaging and informative class promises to enrich your curriculum and provide your students with an unforgettable learning experience.

Interactive Reptile Encounters with Scales and Tails

- Discover the thrilling world of reptiles in our hands-on Reptile Encounter Workshop. Guided by the fantastic Debs of Scales and Tails, students have the unique chance to meet, hold, and study a variety of snakes and lizards from around the globe. This interactive session sheds light on the fascinating biology and survival adaptations of these creatures, enhancing students’ understanding through direct engagement. Our workshop is designed to spark curiosity and deepen knowledge, making it an exceptional addition to your school’s science curriculum. Prepare your students for an unforgettable educational adventure that brings learning to life!


Unlock the Magic of Learning with Our Hands-On Craft Workshops. At The Steel Cauldron, we believe in making learning irresistible, and what better way to captivate young minds than through crafting their own magical artifacts? This is a chance to use some different materials to help develop their artistic and fine motor skills. Stimulate their imagination and innovation with them whipping up a wizards wand, or dreaming up a dragon egg.

Creative Writing Workshops

Delve into the art of creative writing at The Steel Cauldron, where Key Stage 2 pupils can craft poems, spin tales, and describe fantastical creatures. Our workshops blend the fun of puppet shows with the skill of writing, encouraging students to unleash their creativity and capture their imaginations in words. Perfect for young writers eager to explore their literary talents in a magical setting!

Magical Events

Join our Wizard in Residence, Ashton Carter, for unforgettable magical experiences designed to captivate and engage students. Interactive lessons in table magic will help to enhance fine motor skills, creativity and lateral thinking. These sessions are recommended for school years 5 and above.

In Professor Carter's magic lessons, students can uncover the secrets behind the magic. These hands-on sessions, led by our esteemed Wizard in Residence, teach pupils how to perform their own magic tricks. Learn the basics of sleight of hand and amaze friends and family with newfound skills. Professor Carter guides students step-by-step, helping them develop their abilities and confidence in performing magic.

Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to transform an ordinary Wednesday into a magical adventure. Book your Wizarding Wednesday experience today and watch your students' faces light up with wonder!

Please contact us via email for more information and available dates.

Have Questions?

If you have more questions, please head over to our FAQ's page. And if you don't find what you're looking for there, you can always drop us a line. We're on hand to answer any questions or queries you have about The Steel Cauldron.

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